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The format

The format is simple: 10 presenters show 20 images and speak for only 20 seconds per slide. The idea is that each presenter shares a story or an expertise or an interest through the combination of quick images and words to create a cohesive narrative of a chosen topic in 6 minutes 40 seconds. No exceptions. 


The Talk20 format was inspired by PechaKucha 20x20, devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein Dytham Architecture in Tokyo in 2003. They created the format because architects (and other creatives) tend to talk too much if they aren't given limitations. As the format spread around the globe, some communities have renamed the event Talk20 and added their location to the end of it. Thus, Talk20 Hutch. 

How are the presenters chosen, you ask? For each edition, Kari, Ryan, and Jackson work to find a diverse mix of presenters with different topics, demographics, and geographic locations in Reno County to create an experience where you can learn about hair art and living in the jungle in the same two-hour period. If you are interested in presenting or would like to nominate someone else, please contact us

The night always ends with an invitation to continue the conversations started with the presentations. We usually go to one of our local breweries in Downtown Hutch, where you'll see small and large groups of friends and new acquaintances connecting over stories. It's a beautiful thing.  

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